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Art Rotterdam 2020

By January 24, 2020July 14th, 2022No Comments

6 – 9 February 2020, opening 5 February

Presented artists: Small but dangers
New Art Section, booth: N2

Small but dangers, Untitled, paper and hair net, 5 cm x 29 cm x 21 cm, 2018

P74 Gallery proudly presents an exhibition of Small but dangers, a young group of contemporary visual artists from Slovenia. In their artistic work they are dealing with detailed observation and analysis of the everyday: everyday relations, behaviours, processes, to which we are constantly subordinated, yet, because of our daily routines, we do no longer notice them nor understand. Small but dangers are concerned with social topics, autonomy of subject in global society, relationship between system and individual.

Small but dangers are using media of drawing, painting, action, perfomance and ready made to reflect complexity of contemporary reality. They are projecting their own poetic understanding of everyday and put possibility of manipulation in the core of their interest. Small but dangers are questioning visual regimes of our time. Red thread in their works is visual play with no fixed rules. In a seemingly childish play with unforeseen consequences, an external adult onlooker loses his grounds.

Small but dangers are Mateja Rojc and Simon Hudolin (b. 1977). They both graduate from College for Visual Arts in Ljubljana (2005 and 2004 respectively). Simon Hudolin-Salči also completed studies in the Visual Art Education programme at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, in 2008. They exhibited in solo and group exhibitions localy and internationaly, including solo exhibitions and performances in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Celje, Novi Sad, Ravne, Solkan, Deskle and group exhibitions in New York, Vienna, Venice, Ljubljana, Celje, Lendava, Škofja Loka, Novi Sad, Nova Gorica.

Van Nellefabriek
Van Nelleweg 1
3044BC Rotterdam

More info:
#artrotterdam2020; #artrotterdam

Small but dangers, Thin line, 100 cm x 100 cm, 2016

Center in Galerija P74
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