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Lecture by Winfried Heininger, founder of Kodoji Press

By December 2, 2024No Comments

Photo: Kodoji Press

Photo: Kodoji Press

Photo: Kodoji Press

Photo: Kodoji Press

Photo: Kodoji Press

Photo: Kodoji Press

Friday, 13 December 2024 at 13.30 pm
Faculty of Arts, Department for Art History
(3rd floor, room 343)


The final act of VIII. Blind Date Convention will be a lecture by Winfried Heininger, the founder of the independent publishing house Kodoji Press (CH), specialising in contemporary art and photography.

The lecture will take place at the Faculty of Arts, Department for Art History (3rd floor, room 343) on Friday, December 13 2024 at 13.30 pm and it will be held in English. Winfried Heininger will talk about his editorial and artistic practice as well as a selection of the catalog of works he has been developing since 2007. // // Ig: @kodoji_press


The Blind Date Convention Ljubljana 2024 is the main event dedicated to producing, promoting, and popularizing Artist Books and art publications organised by Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., Ljubljana.

Winfried Heininger (1962, Cologne), designer and editor, lives and works in Baden, Switzerland. In 2007, he founded the independent publishing house Kodoji Press, specialising in contemporary art and photography. Winfried Heininger teaches and leads regular editing workshops on topics relating to publishing and lectures at various art schools in Switzerland and abroad. His work, which has been recognised with numerous national and international awards, is testament to an independently minded, innovative vision that deeply enriches the publishing world. In 2023 he was awarded the Jan Tschichold Award, which recognises outstanding achievements in book design by an individual, group or institution.

»Winfried Heininger designs and publishes books under the imprint of Kodoji Press. Amongst those publishing in the field of art and photography books, Heininger is one of the very few to consistently push editorial projects to their limits. He is questioning standards in book production, challenging conventional formats and works always in close collaboration with the authors, photographers and artists. As a result the Kodoji Press titles stand out in the crowd of contemporary art books, for their sensibility for innovative book production and willingness to take risks. Publications are conceptually designed, industrially produced books with a fascinating attitude.«

Roland Frueh

Center in Galerija P74
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