It is our great pleasure to announce the release of the book P74 TWENTY YEARS, which marks two decades of the P74 Gallery. There are not many books in our surroundings that address innovative work in the field of contemporary culture and the arts, which is why they are so much more valuable. The P74 Gallery was founded in 1997 by artist Tadej Pogačar as an artist-run space. It is one of the most propulsive and important Slovenian independent gallery centres, working in the fields of exhibition activities, education, publishing and music.
P74 TWENTY YEARS is a kind of a reader. It acquaints us with the context of the cultural and political activities of the gallery and its programmatic orientation. In terms of content, it highlights the topics of public space, self-organization, degrowth, identity politics, parallel economies, energy and housing alternatives, feminism, gender, history revision, local cartography, urbanism. The book provides an archive of exhibitions and accompanying events, round tables, talks, presentations, lectures, and a chronology of concert performances that have been performed as part of the Sound Explicit experimental music cycle since its beginning in 2003.
P74 Gallery in Ljubljana presented the first exhibitions of the works of outstanding neo-avant-garde artists Sanja Iveković, Drago Dellabernardina, Goran Trbuljak, Dalibor Martinis, Balint Szombathy, Group 143, and numerous prominent international authors, such as Hito Steyerl, Temporary Services, Antoni Muntadas, Yona Friedman, Jenny Perlin, Paula Roush, Michael Ilg, Peter Walsh, Pablo Helguera.
P74 Gallery has played a key role in popularizing the Artist Book: through exhibitions, public tenders, the Artist Book Seminar, and through participation in international fairs. In 2003, the gallery created the international P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute Artist Book Collection, which today encompasses more than 550 units. It has managed to place Artist Books of domestic authors in many of the world’s most important collections, such as MoMA, New York; Metropolitan Museum, New York; International Centre of Photography, New York; cneai=, Paris; Weserburg Museum for Modern Art, Bremen; South End University Collection, London; SAIC, Chicago, etc.
The statistics are inexorable: more than 580 exhibitions and accompanying events, 60 concerts, participation in 54 international art and Artist Book fairs, collaboration with 900 artists, curators and lecturers. A sincere thank you to all of you.
Slovenian-English edition P74 TWENTY YEARS is made in black and white and printed in 300 mm x 230 mm format, in semi-hardcover binding, on 272 pages. It was designed and edited by Tadej Pogačar.
It brings twenty-seven authorial essays by Barbara Borčić, Mojca Grmek, Dejan Habicht, Urška Jurman, Tadej Pogačar, Suzana Milevska, Nina Skumavc, Barbara Sterle Vurnik, Darko Šimišić, Miško Šuvaković, dealing with the projects of Jože Barši, Josef Dabernig, Drago Dellabernardina, Domenec, Dejan Habicht, Laibach Kunst, Polonca Lovšin, Dalibor Martinis, Beatriz Santiago Munoz, OM Production, Dan and Lia Perjovschi, Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, Uroš Potočnik, Paula Roush, Sanja Iveković, Small but dangers, Mladen Stilinović, Tomislav Gotovac, Tomaž Furlan, Goran Trbuljak, Milena Usenik.
Collaborative, research and study projects include Ready 2 Change (2004), Renaming Machine (2008 – 2011), Hidden Histories of the OHO Group (2009), Protest (2013), Second Explosion – The ‘90s (2014 – 2017), Victorious Four (2018).
Nataša Velikonja and Jana Renee Willcoxen contributed the English translations, while Tadej Turnšek provided the Slovenian translations. The proofreading in Slovenian was done by Jelka Jamnik. The book was graphically designed by Ajdin Bašić and printed by CICERO Company Ljubljana.
The book is published by the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute with the financial support of Kontakt Association, Vienna; Trust for Mutual Understanding, New York; Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Department of Culture of the City of Ljubljana.
The price of the book is 30,00 EUR.
It can be ordered online at p74info@zavod-parasite.si or purchased directly at: P74 Gallery, Trg Prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana (Monday – Friday, 12pm – 18pm).