1960  Born in Ljubljana
1984  Graduated from the Ethnology and History of Art, University of Ljubljana
1988  Graduated with a degree in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana
1990  Postgraduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana
1993 – present  Director of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.Museum of Contemporary Art
Tadej Pogačar lives and works in Ljubljana.


Statements, Gallery MC, New York, USA

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, WE, FEMALE WORKERS!, Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia, Ljubljana, SLovenia
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.I.C. Publications: Posters, Newspapers, Books, Artist Books, Catalogues, Cukrarna, Ljubljana, SLovenia

Early Works. ANIMALS HOUSES PEOPLE, Institute for Contemporary Art Zagreb, Croatia

Animals, Houses, People. Early Works, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, Forester, atelje, Šmartinska 17, Ljubljana, Slovenia
CODE:RED, Michaela Stock Gallery, Vienna, Austria

CODE:RED Rijeka, Mali salon, Rijeka, Croatia
School’s Out, KGLU, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia

CODE:RED, City Gallery of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nasa zena, Kunstverein Milano, Milano, Italy
DOUBLE (SPY) GAME, SODA gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia

Tadej Pogačar, Dejan Habicht, PRE-BREXIT Tour, Ə /UH/-BOOKS, London, UK
SP Files, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

A Thought for a Day, Galerija Prozori, Zagreb, Croatia

Lesson 1, Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art (retrospective), Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (MSU Zagreb), Croatia
A Colony, Galerija Kula (Kula Gallery), Split, Croatia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art – Hills, Valleys and Mineral Resources
, Moderna Art Gallery, Ljubljana
Mladen Stilinović & Tadej Pogačar, Espaivisor – Visor Gallery, Valencia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art The Big Archive, PM Gallery / Ring Gallery, Zagreb

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art,Crisis or Expansion of Public/Private Forms of Life: Tadej Pogačar 1990-2011, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, Quartet to Two, Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, The Spring Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, CODE:RED, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona, Italy
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, This is a Rule, Magyar Muhely Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, This is Not America, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, CODE:RED Brasil, Daspu/Daslu, Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt, Austria

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, CODE:RED Skopje, Press to Exit, Skopje, Macedonia
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, City on Wheels, City Gallery Nova Gorica (Mestna galerija Nova Gorica), Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, CODE:RED Madrid, Ojo Atomico, Madrid, Spain
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, From the Street, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, CODE:RED Bangkok, Trafficking Topographies, Sparwasser HQ, Berlin, Germany

Tadej Pogačar. e_shop II, http //www.parasite-pogacar.si/P74
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, Anja Planišček. CODE:RED Sector Zagreb – Working Unite Z01, Galerija NOVA (Gallery NOVA), Zagreb, Croatia
Tadej Pogačar. A perfect Place, Austrian Cultural Forum, London, U.K.
Tadej Pogačar. Reconstructions – Documents II / Rekonstrukcije- Dokumenti II, Galerija sodobne umetnosti (Gallery for Contemporary Art Celje), Celje, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art. CODE:RED USA, New York, USA

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, Vuk Ćosič, 010101org., Absolute One, La Biennale di Venezia. XLlX International Art Exhibition / XLIX Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte, Slovenian Pavilion A+A, Venice, Italy
Tadej Pogačar. Agent of Change – Documents I., Mednarodni grafični likovni center (International Center of Graphic Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar. Tales of Two Cities. Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti (Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts), Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar. Tales of Two Cities. Art Gallery, Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art. Home Stories , Appt.Nicklas – Spanke, Cologne, Germany

Tadej Pogačar. Views on Exhibitions. Muzej novejše zgodovine (Museum of Modern History), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art. School´s Out, Grammar School Šentvid, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art. New Acquisitions 2, Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art. Kings of the Street, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, Jože Barši. My Beautiful Home, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art. Quarter to Two, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art.Two Masters, Ifa Galeri Friedrichstrasse, Berlin, Germany
Tadej Pogačar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art. Short Cuts, Galerie CULT, Vienna, Austria

Tadej Pogačar. Art of History – Through the Body, Muzej revolucije (Museum of Revolution), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar. West-Side-Story, Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti (Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts), Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar. Laboratorium  II., Galerija sodobne umetnosti (Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje), Celje, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar. Laboratorium I., Tržaška 371, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar. A Visit, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije (Museum of Natural History), Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tadej Pogačar. Copernicus´  House, Mala galerija, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tadej Pogačar. Copernicus´ House, Galerija Loža in Meduza (Gallery Loža and Gallery Meduza), Koper, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar. Galerija Miklova hiša (Miklova hiša Gallery), Ribnica, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar. Project: New Acquisitions of the Museum of Contemporary Art I., Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar. Installation: Department of Geography, Galerie CULT, Vienna, Austria; Galerija ZDSLU (Gallery ZDSLU), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar. Galerija Rotovž (Rotovž Gallery), Maribor, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar. Dark Continent, Galerija Insula (Gallery Insula), Izola, Slovenia
Tadej Pogačar. Titanic, Galerija Equrna (Equrna Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tadej Pogačar. Four Continents, Stil und Bruch Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Tadej Pogačar. Dark Continent, Kulturni dom Ivan Cankar (Cultural Center Ivan Cankar), Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia


Map, Play, Game. La cartographie en jeu(x) : un art du jeu critique et de la géopolitique, La Box, Ensa Bourges, Bourges, France

Sorry, the Hardest Word?, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
For Your Pleasure, Moderna Art Gallery (MG+), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Our ships vol.2,P74 Gallery, Vienna, Austria
SOG (Design and Graphic Section, 1973–1994), P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Our ships, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana
Seeing Red, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
NEW ACQUISITION 2010–2022, Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Based on True Stories / Račka Festival 2022: Spaces and Articulations of Sexuality, Celje Center for Contemporary Arts, Slovenia

Beyond Art Groups – The New Art Apparatus, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
90s: Scars, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka (MMSU), Rijeka, Croatia
REALIZE! RESIST! REACT!, Performance and Politics in the 1990s in the Post-Yugoslav Context, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia

A DISCOURSE OF UNCERTAINTIES, 1 Mira Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Palmen und Stauden / Palme in trajnice, Pavelhaus – Pavlova Hiša, Laafeld, Austria
Red Umbrella Struggles, Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Oldenburg, Germany

V.Blind Date Konvention Ljubljana 2018, Author’s Editions, KAPSULA, Ljubljana, Slovenia
14 x 14 – Survey of the Danube Region – Photographic Positions, Museum of Odessa Modern Art, Odessa, Ukraine

Karin Sander: ZEIGEN. Eine Audiotour durch die Sammlung der GfZK Leipzig, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst (GfZK), Leipzig, Germany
11th São Paulo Architecture Biennial, locations across the city, São Paulo, Brazil
The book dispersed, Casa das Artes, Porto, Portugal
14 x 14 – Survey of the Danube Region. – Individual Views – Photographic Positions, Art Gallery Miodrag Dado Đurić, Cetinje, Montenegro
ICE FLOE, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo, Uruguay
14×14 –Survey of the Danube Region. –Individual Views. –Photographic Positions.,Photon, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Economy of Nature, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Legacy of 1989/Case study: the second Yugoslav Documents, Moderna Art Gallery (MG+), Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Second Explosion – the ’90s, National museum of Slovenia – Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia
La Fine Del Nuovo, Lerici/SP, Italia
Ed Ruscha, Books & Co., Gagosian, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, USA
Inside Out, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Serbia
26 Stages of Erection, Galerija P74, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Low Budget Utopias, Museum od Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Artist Books (from Maribor to Ljubljana), Media Nox, Maribor, Slovenia

Crises and New Beginnings: Art in Slovenia 2005–2015, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Performing the Museum, Art Gallery Slovenj Gradec, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
RE: Follow-ed (after hokusai), Cabinet Du Livre D’Artiste, Universite Rennes, France
Inside Out – Not so White Cube, Mestna galerija (City Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
14 x 14 – Survey of the Danube Region, Individual Views, Elias Canetti Haus, Ruse, Bulgaria
14 x 14 – Survey of the Danube Region, Individual Views, MNAC Anexa, Bucharest, Romania
György Kepes, The New Landscape at the Exhibition Research Centre, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Heroes We Love, UGM, Maribor, Slovenia
Ed Ruscha: Books & Co., Gagosian Gallery, Paris France
GRAMMAR OF FREEDOM / FIVE LESSONS WORKS FROM THE ARTEAST 2000+ COLLECTION, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia

Motivi di Famiglia, Villa di Toppo Florio, Buttrio, Udine, Italy
14 x 14 – Survey of the Danube Region. Positions in Contemporary Art, Museum Of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad

Ed Ruscha, Books & Co., Various Small Books: Referencing Various Small Books
by Ed Ruscha,
Gagosian gallery, Madison Avenue, New York / Museum Brandhorst, Munich
Lavoro-Work-Vore, Villa di Toppo Florio, vio Morpurgo 6, Buttrio, Ud
The Present and Presence – Repetition 3: The Street, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (MSUM), Ljubljana

Asymetric Europe, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Donumenta, Regensburg, Germany
14’ x 14’, Regensburg, Germany
Parque Industrial, CODE:RED Brasil, Daspu, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Listening to the Audience, Artist Book in Slovenia 1966-2010, AKTO Contemporary Art Festival, Bitola, Macedonia
Listening to the Audience, MonApoly, AKTO Contemporary Art Festival, Bitola, Macedonia
20 for 15, P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana
Scenarios about Europe: Scenario 3, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, Germany

Drugi muzej (The Other Museum), P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Post-It City, Centro Palacio de Cibeles, Madrid, Spain
The Present and Presence, A selection of works from the Arteast 2000+ Collection and the national collection of Moderna galerija, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova(MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Library of Independent Exchange, Plymouth, UK
Anti-Book, Digital Gallery, South Bank University, London, UK
The Global Contemporary.Art Worlds After 1989, ZKM Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
Post-it-City, Museo de Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain
Follow-ed (after Hokusai), P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

9+9, Mednarodni grafični likovni center (International graphic Center), Ljubljana, Slovenia
HEIMAT / DOMOVINA, Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Austria
Post-It City, MAC, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile
EAC, Montivideo, Uragway; Centro Cultural Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Parasite, The Puzzle, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, Germany
An Idea for Living – Realism and Reality in Contemporary Slovenian Art, U3 – 6th Triennial of Contemporary Slovenian Art, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Feminist Art in Slovenia, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
AT HOME: Architects France and Marta Ivanšek, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Renaming Machine, Open Space, Vienna, Austria
Nikjer je najlepše (Sweet Nowhere), Mestna galerija (Ljubljana City Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
GENDER CHECK, Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, Zacheta, Warsaw, Poland

GENDER CHECK, Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, MUMOK, Vienna, Austria
CITTA FUTURE / FUTURE CITY, Festival della Creativita, Fortezza da Basso, Firenze, Italy
POST-IT-CITY, Street Economy Archive, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Santiago, Chile
Stroj za preimenovanje (The Renaming Machine), Galerija Miroslav Kraljević, Zagreb, Croatia
P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute Artist Book Collection, Galerija Meduza (Medusa Gallery), Koper, Slovenia Rdeče zore (Red Dawns), KAPSULA, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Parasite Architecture, 2nd Biennial of Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Politics of Redistribution, MAGAZIN4, Bregenz, Austria; Open Space Center for Art Project, Vienna, Austria
Closed for Annual Leave!, Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Coalesce: Happenstance, SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, Netherland

Conceptual Art, Documents and Works 1967 – 2007, Umetnostna galerija Maribor, Slovenia
Monsters, Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany
Museum in the Street, Attention! Woman in the City, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana
49th October Salon, Artist-Citizen, Contextual Art Practices, Kulturni centar, Belgrade, Serbia
Stroj za preimenovanje (The Renaming Machine), Jakopič gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Another City, Another Life, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland
Schenghen Women, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sexarbeit, Alltag Mythen Gewal, NGBK, Haus am Kleistpark, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
October. Exit, Memory and Desire, Gallery Artra, Milano, Italy
The Other City, Rumanian Cultural Center, New York, USA
10. Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey
Suitcase Illuminated #5 Parallel Economies – Paris Stop, MAC/VAL – Musée d’art contemporain de Val-de-Marne, Paris, France
Suitcase Illuminated #5 Parallel Economies, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
World Factory, Resistance and Dreams, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, USA

Parallel Economies, Local Cartographies1, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trading and Using Bodies, MonApoly – A Human Trade Game, Overgaden; Airplay Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sexarbeit, Alltag Mythen Gewal, NGBK, Haus am Kleistpark, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
27th Bienal de Sao Paulo, CODE:RED Brasil, Daspu, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Pixxelpoint, Drescode, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica (City Gallery Nova Gorica), Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Public Services, Sparwasser HQ, Berlin
Public Services, Kibela, Maribor, Slovenia
VENTURE II, Galerija Gregor Podnar (Gregor Podnar Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Interrupted Histories, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Public Services, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Public Services, Pavlova hiša (Pavel Haus), Laafeld, Austria
Shrinking Cities, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, Germany
Tirana Bienalle 3, Sweet Taboos (Episode 5), Tirana, Albania
Curating Degree Zero Archive, Sparwasser HQ, Berlin
Teritoriji, identitete, mreže / Territories, Identities, Nets, Slovenian Art 1995 – 2005, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Čisto umazano / Pretty Dirty, Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
26.International Graphic Biennial, Prva linija / First Line, Ljubljana. Slovenia
2.International Biennial of Contemporary Art Prague, Workers Club, Prague, CZ
Marx Update, Museum San Marcos, Lima, Peru

Sedem grehov / Seven Sinns, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marx Update, Ojo Atomico, Madrid, Spain The Future is Not What it Used to Be, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, Germany
Coalesce: With all due intent, Model Arts and Nilland Gallery, Sligo, Ireland
Misliti prostor / To Think Space, Center in Galerija P74 (P74 Center and Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Misliti prostor / To Think Space, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica (City Gallery Nova Gorica), Nova Gorica, Slovenia Who if not we…, Time and Again, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherland
Razširjeni prostori umetnosti / Slovenian Art 1985 – 1995, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Travelling Magazine Table, Art in General, New York, U.S.A.
Sapecmakers, Lothringer dreizehn, München, Germany Kuhinja / Kitchen, Galerija likovnih umetnosti, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Unballanced Alocation of Space, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, Germany PR 04, Tribute to the Messenger // Our Olymipics, San Juan, Rincon, Puerto Rico, USA
Trading Places, Pump House Gallery, London, UK
Okna (Windows), Galerija Kresija (Kresija Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Venture, Galerija Gregor Podnar (Gallery Gregor Podnar), Kranj, Slovenia
ARTEAST COLLECTION 2000+, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia

AIR_port, take OFF 2, Into the city. Towards the borders, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria
Siete gia li – L’arte contemporanea in Slovenia, Loggia dei banchi, Genova, Italy
Brand New Letchworth, The Place, Letchworth Garden City. Organized by B+B, London, UK
Autonomous Territory Mexico City, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City, Mexico
25. International Graphic Biennial, Ljubljana. Organized by Mednarodni grafični likovni center (International graphic Center), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Artist As Entrepeneur, The Place, Letcworth, UK
Form-Specific Arteast Exhibition / Form-Specific Arteast razstava, New museum premises at Metelkova, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
The 3rd San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Video Festival, San Francisco, USA
Lucciole in Lotta. Empowerment di una minoranza, Fundazione Ado Furlan, Pordenone, Italy
Far Away, Eskilstuna Konstmuseum, Eskilstuna, Sweden
Urbane utopije, urbane realnosti / Urban Utopias , Urban Realities, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica (City Gallery Nova Gorica), Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Intermedijsko (Intermedial), Galerija sodobne umetnosti (Contemporary Art Gallery), Celje, Slovenia; A+A, Venice, Italy
Olimpija iz Moderne (Olympia from Moderna galerija), Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
My Body is my Bussines, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA
OSTENSIV, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
LINE_ AT, Kunstlerhaus, Klagenfurt, Austria
Diskontinuiteta v času: Terorizem (Discontinuity in Time: Terrorism), Likovni salon (Likovni salon Gallery), Celje, Slovenia
OSTENSIV, Central House of Artist, Moscow, Russia
ARTEAST COLLECTION 2000+, ZMNK Karlsruhe, Germany
The Art of Balkan Coutries, S.M.A.C.K., Solun, Greece
do it, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico

Slovene Way, Galleria NEON, Bologna, Italy
ARTEAST COLLECTION 2000+, Orangerie Congress, Innsbruck, Austria
Multitudini, Palazzo Frisacco, Tolmezzo, Italy
Ostensiv, B2, Leipzig, Germany
Machen sie dieser Land wieder…, Pavel Haus/Pavlova Hiša, Laafeld (Potrna), Austria
Never Stop the Action, Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria /with KAVN /
Borders 2001: Suspense, Slavonski Brod, Croatia
Vulgata, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany; VULGATA, Trafó Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
The Eye and Its Truth. Spectacle and reality in Slovenian art 1984 – 2001, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Revisions. Painting 70+90, Galerija P74 (Gallery P74), Ljubljana, Slovenia

U3, 3rd Triennale of Contemporary Slovene Art / 3. Trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
SNAPSHOT, Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, USA
artisti.giovani@sloveni.si, Ca del Duca, Venezia, Italy
What, How & for Whom? On occasion of 152th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto,  WUK, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria
Friends and Neighbours, City Hall Gallery, Limerick, Ireland
Worthless (Invaluable), Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Okus po mestu (The Taste of City), Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
After the Wall – Art and Culture in Post-Communist Europe, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden; Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary, 2000; Max Lieberman Haus, Berlin, Germany
It´s Comfy, Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
New Paths, Casa des Artes, Vigo, Spain

Observer/Secret Services, ZMNK Adlershof, Berlin, Germany
Private (Praxis), Buechenhause Ausstellungsraum, Innnsbruck, Austria
Manieristične vizije: Slovenija in prihodnost umetnosti (Manneristic Visions: Slovenia and the Future of Art), Galerija Equrna (Equrna Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
do it, Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia

U3, 2nd Triennale of Contemporary Slovene Art / 2. Trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cartographers.Geo-Gnostic projections for the 21st century, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, Croatia; Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warshaw, Poland, 1998; Mucsarnok, Budapest, Hungary; Umetnostna galerija Maribor (Maribor Art Gallery), Maribor, Slovenia.

Manifesta 1, Rotterdam, Netherland

Zbirka P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Muzeja, Slovenska umetnost 90 tih (The Collection of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum, Slovene Art of the 90´s), Mucsarnock, Budapest, Hungary; Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 1996.
Cash & Carry, Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Forma Eterna, Galleria Civica d´Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy; Galerie M, Spittal an der Drau, Austria
Pittura – Immedia. Malerei in der 90er Jahren, Kunstlerhaus, Graz, Austria; Mucsarnok, Budapest, Hungary, 1996.
TransAlpin, Galerie Maerz, Linz, Austria;
Kunst Wien 95, Museum fur angewandte Kunst, Vienna, Austria

Laboratorium, Art Center, Poprad, Slovakia
Urbanaria: Part One /Urbanaria: prvi del., NUK (National and University Library), Ljubljana. Organized by Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Von uns Aus, New Art from Slovenia 1970 – 1990, Marburg, Germany
Intart´94, Una lettera per la pace, Centro Friulano Arti Plastiche, Videm, Italy

Slikarske metamorfoze (Painterly Metamorphoses), Galerija Equrna (Equrna Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Young Slovene Art, OOC Perron 55, Venlo, Netherland


Art d´Eco, Art and Ecology, Umetnostna galerija (Art Gallery), Maribor, Slovenia

Artist for Metelkova, Stara elektrarna (Old Power Station), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Slovenske Atene (Slovenian Athens), Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Sub-trans-Alpina, Art Center, Aosta, Italy
Vom Rande, Galerija Rotovž (Rotovž Gallery), Maribor, Slovenia

Slike ? (Paintings?), Galerija Škuc (Škuc Gallery), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Experience of the Object, Young Slovene Artists / Izkušnja predmeta. Mladi slovenski umetniki, Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia
Jugoslovenska dokumenta ’89 (Yugoslav Documenta), Olimpijski centar Skenderija (Skenderija Olimpic Center), Sarajevo, Bosia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia
Disclosed Images / Szettart kepek, Szombathelyi Keptar (Szombathely Gallery), Szombathely, Hungary; Mucsarnok, Budapest, Hungary, 1990. Organized by Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia
8. Salon, City Gallery, Dubrovnik, Croatia
15. Bienale mladih (15th Biennial of Young Artists), Moderna galerija (Modern Gallery), Rijeka, Croatia